Burbank Rifle and Revolver Club
A sports club specializing in Highpower rifle training and competition. A California Non-Profit Corporation. Affiliated with CMP, NRA, CRPA. Established in 1926.
Match will start at 8:00 am with sign-ins and squadding at 7:30 am.
Match Details: The match will be TWO 900-point aggregates consisting of 90 total shots for each 900-point aggregate (180 total shots if shooting both).
Course of Fire 30 slow fire (10 rounds in 10 minutes) at 50 yards 30 timed (five rounds in 20 seconds) at 25 yards 30 rapid (five rounds in 10 seconds) at 25 yards
Course of Fire
30 slow fire (10 rounds in 10 minutes) at 50 yards
30 timed (five rounds in 20 seconds) at 25 yards
30 rapid (five rounds in 10 seconds) at 25 yards
The matches may be fired with a .22 rimfire pistol, a centerfire pistol, or a 45-caliber pistol. Shooters may shoot only one aggregate if desired.
Entry fees: $10 for members and $20 for non-members. Active duty military shoot for free. Entries will be limited to 20 competitors. All competitors will be squadded prior to the match.
Awards: Awards will be given out for each category based upon participation.
Questions: Email bullseye@brrc.org with any questions.
Copyright 2024 - Burbank Rifle and Revolver Club, Inc. - All Rights Reserved