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Burbank Rifle and Revolver Club

A sports club specializing in Highpower rifle training and competition. A California Non-Profit Corporation. Affiliated with CMP, NRA, CRPA.  Established in 1926.

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Eye and ear protection to be worn by all people in the vicinity of any shooting.

A.   Always follow the Basic Rules of Firearms Safety

  1. Always treat a gun as if it were loaded.
  2. Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction at all times.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
  4. Know your target, its surroundings, and what lies beyond it.
  5. No shooting if you have consumed alcohol or any other judgment impairing substance.
B.  Safe Firearms Handling
  1. Guns on the firing line CANNOT BE HANDLED OR TOUCHED while people are down range.
  2. Guns must be unloaded until in a designated shooting area and it is safe to shoot.
  3. Guns shall have their actions open when not shooting. Use an empty chamber indicator (ECI) and keep your action visible for inspection by your neighbors. Exceptions are holstered pistols and revolvers carried on your person.  ECI’s are available for purchase inside the 100-yard blockhouse, $1 to be left in drop box.
  4. Unless shooting, keep removable magazines separated from firearms including "fixed" ones requiring a tool.
  5. Communicate with other shooters on the line regarding line breaks, firing line state, and safety conditions.
C.  Administration and Record Keeping
  1. All BRRC members are expected to know and follow the range rules.
  2. Members bringing guests (no more than two without prior approval) to BRRC will conduct a safety briefing with their guests and familiarize them with the range rules prior to shooting.
  3. Each and every shooting guest must pay a $10 range use fee. Members must collect the range fee from their guests and leave it in the lockbox at the range BEFORE shooting.
  4. ALL non-member visitors to the range must sign a copy of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of RISK, RELEASE & INDEMNITY AGREEMENT before participating in or observing range activities. This form and drop box are found in the 100-yard range block house.  The form may also be downloaded  here.
  5. No hunting on the range or the leased U.S. Forest Service land.
  6. No shooting of snakes, excepting rattlesnakes when they create a direct hazard to people.  The preference is to move them to an area away from the range.  Should it be necessary to shoot a rattlesnake, care shall be taken to ensure that no person or property is endangered by this. The head of the rattlesnake shall be buried.
  7. All members and their guests will observe the posted speed limits on the Paradise Ranch. The maximum speed limit on any BRRC range road is 10 MPH.
  8. No off-road motorcycle or ATV riding on the range.
  9. No smoking except in designated areas. Designated areas are those that have been cleared of all flammable materials; i.e., area behind firing lines and picnic areas.  Please deposit all cigarette/cigar butts in the designated receptacles.
  10. There will be no consumption of alcoholic beverages on any of the firing lines when the range is open for shooting. Persons who have consumed any amount of alcohol at any time during the day are not allowed to shoot until the following day, no exceptions.
D.   Range Operations
  1. There is always a Range Safety Officer (RSO).  If you’re the only person on the line, you’re the RSO.
  2. All Club sponsored shooting related activities shall be supervised by a BRRC RSO.
  3. During recreational shooting, the left most shooter is the designated RSO unless a club line officer is present. The RSO is responsible for (1) Declaring the range hot or cold, (2) Inspecting firearms for safe condition when going cold and (3) Monitoring all shooters on the firing line to ensure safe firearms handling.
  4. All commands of any designated Range Safety Officer are to be obeyed instantly.
  5. Before going hot, all people must be behind the firing line and conditions are safe to shoot. The range must be loudly called “HOT” before handling firearms or commencing fire.
  6. The RSO is responsible for monitoring the safe conduct of all shooters on the line while the line is hot.
  7. No one is allowed forward of the firing line once the range is hot
  8. Regardless, everyone is equally responsible for safety; anyone can call a “CEASE FIRE” if they observe an unsafe condition.
  9. Before going cold or clear, all guns must be unloaded and benched/grounded with actions open and pointing down-range (or holstered, or set in a rack with actions open).
  10. The range must be loudly called “CLEAR” or “COLD” before anyone may proceed down range.
  11. All firearms shall remain benched or holstered when anyone is down range. ABSOLUTELY NO HANDLING OF FIREARMS ON THE FIRING LINE when anyone is down range. If sufficient persons are present, the RSO shall designate a watcher to ensure no firearms are handled while persons are down range.
  12. Firearms in a demonstrably safe condition may be transported between areas and a vehicle or between assembly (defined below) areas on different ranges when people are down range.
  13. Designated shooting areas are:
    (a) Bays 1 through 4 on upper west side of club;
    (b) 100 yard general purpose range with covered firing line;
    (c) Highpower Line - 200/300/400/600/1000-yard High power rifle range;
    (d) Under special circumstances, the Range Safety Officer may, as required, designate additional shooting areas.
  14. All shooting must be into the impact areas for each range. On 100-yard line, ensure target is directly in front of firing point.  No shooting at random targets, e.g., rocks, trees, etc. No shooting at glass containers. Each shooter is responsible for retrieving and properly disposing of used targets, brass, and shotgun hulls.
  15. Clay targets may not be thrown anywhere at the club.  Clay targets may be placed in holders or in the impact areas, but all target debris must be removed by shooter.
  16. Use of the following types of ammunition is prohibited: tracers, incendiary, explosive, and steel-core/armor piercing ammunition.  Further, high damage energy rounds such as .50 BMG shall not be shot at any club steel targets.
  17. Highpower Firing Line Closure Procedures:  Before going downrange to set or retrieve targets, the Highpower Firing line must be properly closed.  BOTH front and rear ropes must be put up AND the “NO SHOOTING” sandwich board sign shall be placed near the front of the line and approximately in the middle.  Upon return, the ropes shall be placed in the down position and the sign folded and leaned against the east side of the match director’s chair.  This must be done at all times, especially when leaving for the day.  If you find the firing line closed but don’t believe anybody is downrange, you must drive to the 1000 yard and verify downrange is clear before shooting.
•   The firing line is the area on a range roughly 10 feet in depth from which people conduct live fire.
•   The assembly or ready area is the area behind the firing line where firearms are placed before moving them to the firing line.  Firearms in the assembly area must be in a demonstrably safe condition.

•    A firearm is considered demonstrably safe when it is unloaded, the action is open, and any magazine is removed.  The use of an “empty chamber indicator (ECI)” is required as a visual indicator that the firearm is unloaded and the action open.  A cased firearm must also be in a safe condition.

5/4/2020 version

Members or guests who violate these range rules may be requested to stop shooting, leave the range, or both. Any member who feels threatened or intimidated by the unsafe conduct of others is requested to report this to the BRRC Board of Directors (email

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