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Burbank Rifle and Revolver Club

A sports club specializing in Highpower rifle training and competition. A California Non-Profit Corporation. Affiliated with CMP, NRA, CRPA.  Established in 1926.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the BRRC range open to the public?

Yes and No.  BRRC's facilities are for the use of members and their guests. We are not a commercial business and --unlike commercial ranges -- are without the resources to host a general public shooting facility.

The club does host training clinics and competitions that are open to non-member and member participants. Our competitions, such as our program of the monthly NRA Approved matches and CMP Sanctioned clinics and matches, are open to non-members. We also offer other training opportunities that are open to the public.  Check the Events page for details.

Can the BRRC range be used for a member's personal commercial for-profit activities?

No. The use of the range by members is limited to recreational activities only. It is against club policy for a member to use the range for personal for-profit purposes.

What are the responsibilities of a member bringing guests?

In all cases when bringing a guest, the sponsoring member must ensure that all the guests have read the Range Rules, signed the Waiver of Liability, pay the guest fee, and adhere to range rules during their visit.  A member may bring a maximum of two guests without prior approval (email

The sponsoring member is also to be the Range Safety Officer supervising their guests. This includes responsibility to ensure,

  • Regardless of any other activity at the range, each member shall conduct a safety briefing for all guests prior to commencing shooting.
  • The member is responsible for ensuring that proper firearms safety procedures are followed by their guests at all times.
  • The member shall personally inspect that each guest's firearms are unloaded and safe except while in use at a firing point.
  • The member is responsible for ensuring that no firearms are handled at any time any person is forward of the firing line on the range they are using.
  • The member shall ensure that all shooting is aimed at BRRC designated impact areas only. These are the areas directly behind the target areas on each range when viewed from a designated firing point. Firing ranges are carefully surveyed venues. Shooting in ad hoc directions is a violation of range safety policy and may send live fire in unsafe directions affecting neighboring areas or start a brush fire.
  • A member bringing guests is responsible that eye and ear protection is provided for and used by all guests. It is BRRC policy that persons under 18 MUST have eye and ear protection while in the vicinity of a firing line.
  • For large group activities, it is also highly desirable that the member recruit other members to assist as Range Safety Officers to ensure that all the range rules are being followed. At the minimum, there should be one Range Safety Office familiar with BRRC's Range Rules supervising guests at each range where firing is taking place.

What are the guest fees and what is my responsibility?

Guest fees at $10.00 per guest per day. The sponsoring member is financially responsible for collecting the guest fees and leaving the fee and waiver in the drop box at the range. The fees must be accompanied by a signed Waiver for each guest for that visit.

Can my group have exclusive occupation of a portion of the range?

No. It is club policy that casual visits by members with or without guests to the range is a shared use recreational activity where all members share common use of the range. It is against club policy for a member to preclude another member from making use of those parts of the facility open for recreational use on given day.

Only official club events as designated through the BRRC Activities Chairman may be given sole use of a portion of the club's faciities. These will generally be club related competitions, training, or other special events.  To the extent possible, BRRC's official events are choreographed and de-conflicted so as to minimize impact on recreational use by club members.  Notices of club events are published on the website.

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