Burbank Rifle and Revolver Club
A sports club specializing in Highpower rifle training and competition. A California Non-Profit Corporation. Affiliated with CMP, NRA, CRPA. Established in 1926.
The clinic is not for beginner pistol shooters. Cost is $20.
Participants should be comfortable and experienced safe drawing their pistol from a holster, have safe muzzle discipline and have the basic proper equipment as outlined below. We will cover both IDPA and USPSA safety and competition rules. Participants should familiarize themselves with the two different sports (IDPA and USPSA) and the various divisions and gun and gear requirements for the divisions that they want to shoot in (links below).
Participants will need a safe and functioning handgun(typically semi-auto), at least 300 rounds of ammo, a secure belt and holster and depending on what division they are going to shoot at least 2 magazine holders on their belt. The plan is to start of with a 100 round warmup, then 1-2 drills and then 4-5 runs through the IDPA or USPSA stage.
IDPA website and USPSA website.
YouTube video - IDPA shooting first match.
YouTube video - Your first match - what you need to know.
YouTube video - Getting ready for your first match
Copyright 2024 - Burbank Rifle and Revolver Club, Inc. - All Rights Reserved